Wellness Wednesday

Wellness Wednesday

With Halloween right around the corner, the holiday season of sweet snack overload is lurking in the shadows. While it’s unrealistic (not to mention no fun) to expect not to indulge in any of the season’s delectable delights—balance is key. Maintaining an overall healthy snacking strategy at work will make the occasional treat taste even sweeter.

Here are a few ways to keep your work snacks smart and your body happy:

Create a Snack Plan

When you’re running out the door in the morning mentally preparing for the traffic ahead, the last thing on your mind is packing healthy nibbles. Plan your snacks ahead of time. Ideally, you can make Sunday your day to snack strategize, but at minimum collect your eats the night before. There is enough to think about during the workday, knowing you have delicious and nutritious snacks at the ready is one less thing to worry about and makes you less susceptible to just grabbing what’s available.

Buddy Up to Protein

Protein is the unsung hero of the snacking world. Not only is protein an essential building block to a healthy brain and body, but its slow-burning properties keep you fuller longer, making them less healthy quick fixes less tempting. Heart-healthy nuts, hard-boiled eggs, nut butters, and cheese are excellent and easily accessible protein-packed options.

Water, Water, Water

You can’t escape the hype around staying well-hydrated these days—and for good reason. Not only does drinking water help you feel full, but it also increases cell metabolism, oxygenating the muscles to help the body function more efficiently.

Fruit is Your Friend

Nature’s candy is more than just an alternative to artificial sugar; it’s teeming with antioxidants and fiber to fill you up. Fruit is incredibly portable and doesn’t require refrigeration, so keeping an apple or a peach on your desk is a no-brainer!


Keep calm, make good choices, and snack on.

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