Fleet Management: Avoid the Costs of Distracted Driving

Fleet Management: Avoid the Costs of Distracted Driving

Distracted Driving

Would you feel safe if people drove blindfolded? Texting from behind the wheel is equally as dangerous. Distracted driving causes more than 25 percent of U.S. auto collisions, creating a huge impact on public safety and more than $33 billion annually in insurance claims.

Distracted driving has created one of the largest exposures in fleet liability. Employees using phones and other devices, while driving a company vehicle, creates an unaddressed liability that can put your company at serious risk, both legally and financially.

According to an AT&T survey of 1,000 drivers, 98 percent know the dangers of texting and driving, yet 75 percent continue to do it. However, texting is not the only form of distracted driving. It can be anything from a heated conversation on the phone to looking for that french fry that dropped between the seats. It only takes a moment of complacency for a catastrophic accident to occur.

As one example, a veteran semi-truck driver was traveling at 60 miles per hour. His jacket fell onto the floorboard of the passenger seat, and he picked it up, taking his eyes off the road. In that time, a vehicle stopped in front of him to make a left turn into a parking lot. The truck driver was unable to stop and hit the vehicle with full force. The driver and passenger of that vehicle survived the crash but received catastrophic injuries requiring 24-hour care. The collision resulted in an $8 million settlement for the injured and lives that were forever changed.

Thus, it’s clear that distracted driving can lead to often significant lawsuits, in addition to the risk to employee safety. With this new weapon in the plaintiff lawyer’s arsenal, companies that allow their employees to talk or text while behind the wheel are increasingly being held responsible. One notable suit involving Coca-Cola resulted in a $21 million judgment.

Your business can also incur additional hidden costs due to accidents:

  • Increased insurance costs
  • Increased Workers Compensation claims and experience rating increases
  • Decreased productivity and morale
  • Reputational damage to your company’s brand
  • Punitive damages

In the event your company does not have a mobile phone policy, it’s important to establish one to help lower the chance of an accident. However, this does not prevent your company from facing liability when an accident occurs.

The piece of the puzzle missing most frequently in these policies is enforcement and auditing employee compliance. Without this, you have no way of knowing whether your employees are using mobile phones while driving. A business must demonstrate that it has done everything possible to enforce employee compliance to receive top carrier consideration and best-in-class pricing, which you can achieve by establishing a fleet safety program.

Life-Saving Technology

In terms of prevention, there are several technologies on the market today that are capable of disabling mobile phones in a moving vehicle and returning them to service when stopped. We advocate the use of these programs and similar technology:

  • Truce Software
  • LifeSaver
  • DriveMode
  • Sprint Drive First
  • AT&T Drivemode

We encourage you to work with a BKS Commercial Risk Advisor to make the necessary investments and ensure the correct policies are in place to protect the lives of your employees and others on the road. While doing so, you will be protecting your company’s brand and bottom line.

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